Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Surprise!


What better way is there to spend Thanksgiving than to tell your family that you're not sure if you'll be able to make it home for the holiday and then to just show up?

Well, that's what i did. Except it turned out just a tad bit different.

i flew out of Dallas on Monday morning since we had a little staff conference in Tyler, Texas. That was my first time ever in Texas and i believe it also counted as the farthest west i've ever been in my life, unless you play some mindtricks and say that Texas counts as east and New York is actually west of Texas (but that doesnt really work does it?)

After a stop at Kennedy airport, i arrived in Buffalo and spent the time filling out a baggage claim so they would deliver my missing baggage to my home in Rochester. Then i made a trip out to Chili's with old friends. There's something to be said about getting together with people that you know and that know you. Spending time meeting people in New Orleans has been wonderful, but it's nice to lay aside the "getting to know each other for the first time" work and just pick up where you left off with people that you have a comfortable understanding with.

So now for the strange surprise. i showed up at my house a little after midnight. i wished it wasnt so late, but i figured that my family would be excited enough to see me that it wouldnt matter that i was waking them up at that hour. i rang the doorbell...

and nothing happened.

So i rang it again, and again, and again, and again. Five times total actually. No one woke up! Not mom or dad or Carole, or even the dog!

i ended up sneaking into the house (i know where we keep the keys), writing my family a note announcing my arrival, and going to bed.

My mom ended up waking me around 6:30 as she prepared for work. She opened my bedroom door which shed the hallway light all in my eyes and then got dad out of the kitchen asking if he knew that i was home. They both came into my room and were greeted with a groggy face and an incoherent Jamie.

So much for a dramatic surprise. i guess it turned out dramatic for my parents! but that's what counts isnt it.

It's good to be away from the city for a bit, i need a little break!

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