Since i got back from Maine i've been enjoying the use of my public library (Seriously, i have a strange affinity for libraries) and have loved every minute of it.
So i picked up a few books. One of which was titled, For Women Only. Now before you get any funny ideas, let me explain that this book purports to let you in on "The secret inner lives of men" In order to learn about my secret inner life i decided to give it a shot. Guess what i found?
i have a secret inner life! And women dont know it!
Talk about empowering, or maybe unfortunate? No, i think exciting.
i learned from reading this that my need for affirmation to the nines is actually common and not a james specific thing. Apparently men everywhere need affirmation, are scared other people will find out they have no idea how to do whatever it is they're trying to succeed at, and like to be lost on the highway.
i loved the section on getting lost while driving. i was cheering on the author while reading. "Yeah! We see it as another challenge to conquer! (male noises followed) And i like being lost too and it's ok."
Man, i'm gonna start reading more women's books.
She nails it! Every guy I know really wants to be affirmed. according to a study on manhood that I am working through called "The quest for authentic manhood" we guys especially want to be affirmed by our dads. We want to hear 3 things from them:
1. I love you. (that's affection)
2. I'm proud of you. (that's admiration)
3. You're good. (that's affirmation)
We'll do anything to get these three things.
so after reading this post (which i found quite interesting), i found myself reading all your other posts. i must say i thoroughly enjoyed them. i need to find a new book to read.
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