Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Brave little Buzzy finds his way home

A Movement in Five Parts:
I. The Fading Red Light

Buzzy was scared. He didnt know where he was, but it was really dark. So dark in fact, when his neon red light flickered, it barely illuminated his surroundings. "This doesnt feel at all like my home!" he exclaimed, "I'm supposed to be carried around lovingly and returned when delicious food is ready for my friends!"
Little did Buzzy know the adventure he would embark on!

II. The loving hands of a friend

Fortunately for Buzzy. Good friends do really exist. "Oh wow little guy! You must be so scared. Dont worry. i love you!" The voice of his savior was soothing like a golden brook weaving through green forests and over blue stones. James rescued Buzzy from the evil purse of the three witchy Americans working in Toronto. "i'll bring you home Buzzy! i love you!" James adamantly asserted.

III. Buzzy's sweet ride

Buzzy got excited. And understandably so! He was riding shotgun in the manliest vehicle ever. "Wow, the tires on this thing are bad! i love you Squiggles!" The car's name was Squiggles. And man, was that car ever manly! Just to be safe, James buckled Buzzy right in. Even though Buzzy was snug and secure. He was shouting and screaming the whole ride.

IV. Home quickly approaches

Despite his obvious excitement, Buzzy could barely muster the strength to blink his red light for joy. Fortunately he was close; close to the home he was raised in. Soon he would be back in his charger, smelling the freshly baked buns and rolls, eavesdropping in on the crunch of chopped celery and can openers releasing the pungent smell of tuna from brightly polished aluminum.

V. Buzzy is reunited with his home

"Thanks so much" said Buzzy's mom as she took him from James and wrapped him in her loving arms. Though the interaction was awkward, and she was obviously caught off guard by James documentation of Buzzy's greatest moment, her uneasiness paled in comparison to having the little buzzer that lets people know their food is ready. Our friend Buzzy. Now he can rejoin his home and life, making people really happy because they can now eat. Ah, it's really about the simple pleasures isnt it?
Wow that was weird...
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Saturday, March 24, 2007

the web

After checking my email and being absolutely beside myself because i sold another textbook on half.com (even though this one is halfway decent), i was surprised by this headline:

Many Americans See Little Point To Web: Survey


These people exist?

i guess i'm such a webphile i wouldnt dream of not having an internet connection. You should have seen me balk at the suggestion last September that i share a DSL connection. Yeah. Right. Not a chance.

Really, it's all about the bandwidth baby.
Hey girls! At home i can download the new ubuntu really fast! You should come over and see it sometime!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Katrina stories

It occurred to me yesterday that most people havent joined me on the trip i took last week. It sounds obvious, and it is, but i tend to keep information locked away figuring it doesnt need to be shared because we'll just rehash old news again and again.

But it isnt the case this time. There was a whole world of experiences to share, fortunately for anyone reading i will only relay a few that i know.

My favorite story is one that a work team leader told after the first day of working in the houses, but let me describe the week's setup a little bit first.

i joined about 1000 people (mostly college students) involved in Campus Crusade for Christ down in New Orleans Louisiana to help rebuild the city. The whole lot of us were split up into work teams of 10-15 people each and split up all over the city to gut out houses and elementary schools, clean up city parks, survey neighborhoods to see if anyone is living there or needs work done, and talk to the residents there to see how they are dealing with the crisis.

After the first day of work, all the work team leaders joined together to talk and get the next set of instructions and the trip leaders asked if there were any stories. One girl stands up and says,
Well, i'm pretty sure i have a story.
As soon as her group arrived to their ungutted house, the homeowner mentioned that if they found a blue beanbag chair they shouldnt open it. If that doesnt automatically raise hairs on your neck, well, then, i'm not sure. They took it in stride and got back to work. Soon they found a handgun. Strike one. They called in the handgun and continued working and the homeowner didnt seem to pleased with them about it. Not too much later they found a bag that appeared to be drugs. i'm unclear on this part of the story, but i'm assuming they "forgot" to mention this to the owner. Strike two.

They continued working (i'm pretty sure i would've left by this point) and kicked out the walls and were now ready to work on the ceiling. And lo and behold, there was the blue beanbag chair. So instead of heeding the homeowners advice, whether wise or not, they distracted him by starting a conversation with him in the front yard while sneaking the beanbag out the back. They opened up the beanbag and found a big rifle. And you know what? Strike three. They called the police and booked it out of there.

Good idea i think.

i was in stitches from this, mostly because if no one got hurt, this is hilarious. My friend said,
Well, drug dealers need somewhere to live too.
Not sure if they were dealing, but that wasnt the best situation to be in!

i hope to continue sharing stories. If you want to have some fun, check out my pictures online linked in the post below!

Monday, March 19, 2007

NOLA pictures

Hey, here's a bunch of photos for you to check out! They're from my trip to New Orleans. Wow, there's so much to write about. i'll have to give it some time to allow everything that happened to settle in a bit!

So expect a post soon!

For now, please check out the third section of photos i took from my time there. i'll post the first two sections when i get them back from my friend Josh!

Katrina Part III - Picasa

or if you prefer Flickr

Katrina Part III - Flickr