Today while on the way to drywalling a house down the street a guy stopped us (Arthur, Rebecca, Danielle, and i) and asked us if we wanted any puppies.
In my mind i was thinking,
Oh yeah i want puppies! But i must be careful, otherwise i will be suckered into making bad decisions. i dont have the money or the time or the energy to raise one dog, much less 4 of them. Well, maybe i'll just take a look...
And then, after taking a look, of course we took them home with us and built them a pen and i carved out a little doggy bed out of a cardboard box filled with towels. They were so cute. The little guy i carried home was shaking the whole way. i think they were cold, they looked so scared. i tried to coddle the little guy to keep him warm and pet him so that he would know he was loved, but he still shook and shook and shook.
After listening to an episode of This American Life this weekend about an adopted Romanian child that grew up alone with no human contact except for when he was fed, and seeing a shaking, scared, cold puppy, i'm beginning to think that there's actually some truth to all that bonding talk.
Arthur, Danielle, and Rebecca took them to the SPCA, but i got a few pictures. i got them developed pretty much immediately afterwards so i'm hoping to put some up tomorrow so that you can see just how cute those things are.
In other news, i started construction on my very own bicycle today. For $25 dollars you can build a bike out of recycled parts at a warehouse shop called Plan B. i hope to have that finished soon. i can take all sorts of fun trips once i have a bike!
Adventures await!