Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Weird things in Genesis!

i was reading through Genesis the other day and i discovered something very strange.

Well, at least i thought it was strange, you'll have to let me know what you think...

There's a story where Abraham gets visited by 3 ghosts, well actually, he just has three visitors. The passage says that the LORD appears to Abraham (singular) and then Abraham asks the three visitors (plural) not to leave but to eat with him. Nothing too out of the ordinary with that, besides the whole LORD part of it. Then while eating the visitors say that Abraham, even though he is around 100 years old, will have a child.

None of these strange things drew my attention because i'm used to hearing the story. When i think about it i notice how strange these occurances are. But the thing that threw me for a loop is what Abraham feeds them.

He feeds them "curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared." Isnt that strange? i'm pretty sure there's laws against that in certain sects of Judaism. i'm not certain if they're actual laws or what the semantics are, but i thought that dairy products and meat products werent supposed to be eaten together. And here we have Abraham (the father of the Jews) and the LORD himself enjoying dairy and a calf.

Strange strange... if anyone has any insights on this i'd be curious to know!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Such an appropriate website for me

check out this website:

i like it. Too bad i dont take it to heart.


i'm also a big fan lately of this funny podcast run by two guys down south.

Rhett and Link (check out the blog part)

Have fun folks!

Monday, January 1, 2007

New Blog

Well, i must admit, committed relationships are difficult for me.

i've switched blogging a million times, havent been consistent and all that... i mean really, i've blogged on livejournal (the most consistent one so far), facebook, my own site hosted through dotgeek, and myspace.

This better not be a prediction of future "relationships, and i dont mean just with girls" - relient k.

So because i'm an avid fan of google taking over the world, i think i'm going to continue the trend of signing up for every service they offer. Hopefully this will be enough to marry me to a blog and be the start of a beautiful committed relationship.

Which would be a fun thing to post about later: marriage.

ah marriage... There's nothing quite like talking definitively about something completely outside of your experience.